Leaving Behind Sins: Unloading Stones From Our Saddlebag


The Medjugorje trip is more than an ordinary excursion it’s a spiritual experience which invites you to discover an array of new experiences. It is not uncommon for people to have various and sometimes contradictory motives to embark upon a transformative journey. However, they share a common thread – an inner voice which urges them to venture beyond the limits of space, and into the past. As they embark on their journey of faith their minds of these people wander to the past, present and into the future. This helps them discover the agony of the past and the dread of the future. They arrive at their destination looking for comfort and help of the Lord, while carrying the burden of a stones-laden saddlebag.

The spiritual journey begins

As pilgrims step into the pellegrinaggio a Medjugorje, they sense that they are embarking on a profound journey that transcends the physical world. It is important to realize that a pilgrimage goes beyond than just physical movements. It is also about awakening the soul and encouraging people to seek out a deeper meaning. Every step they take immerses them in the divine essence.

Through time: retracing the past

The pilgrimage starts in the bus, where songs and prayers create a feeling of spiritual connectivity. They begin to think back on past injustices, and revisit the past injustices. Although they are eager to move forward yet, they remain reminiscing about some of the scars. They gain strength from these reflections to continue in the knowledge that their journey does never end with the past but will continue into the future.

Current challenges: comfort, and solutions

As they continue their pilgrimage, pilgrims confront the challenges that they face in their daily lives. Conflicts and miscommunications daily between coworkers, family members and even their neighbors are part of the burden that they bear. They realize that they are on a journey to find solace and nourishment for their souls. They pray to God for help in finding solutions and comfort for the difficulties that weigh their hearts.

Face the fear of the unknown

They are overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty as they look to the future. The fear of disease, economic instability, and natural disasters are an ever-present companion. As if they were carrying extra stones, these worries weigh on their souls. They are able to find comfort and relief when they are closer to the goal. The Lord will lead them on the way to navigate tomorrow’s unfamiliar waters.

God’s gracious welcome

Once pilgrims have reached Medjugorje they are able to stand before the Lord and pray for His supernatural help. Come with your burdens, your sins, and your regret. In the Sacrament of Confession they acknowledge their guilt and ask God’s forgiveness. The Lord is a loving embrace for His repentant sons and daughters, comforting them when they’re suffering or regret.

The Eucharist in sacrament as a means of spiritual nourishment

The Lord provides them with food of love and wine of hope through the Eucharist. The Eucharist is a nourishment which revitalizes the faith of the faithful, gives them new hope and motivates them to be more charitable to others as well as themselves. Through this holy communion, they become wrapped in the robe of divine mercy and strengthening their belief that the Lord’s love knows no bounds.

Unloading the Stones: Getting Redemption

Medjugorje gives them the opportunity to place their stones in their saddlebags. In this sacred place, they can let go of the burden of their sins, seeking redemption and a chance to start anew. The journey becomes a way of releasing their souls from burdens, the journey to healing and reconciliation.

The message of God and transformation:

The pilgrims go through profound transformations on their journey. They develop the virtues of charity, empathy and understanding. They are more aware of belonging and compassion with their fellow pilgrims as they share their experiences and encounters.

A journey of hope and faith

After completing their pilgrimage returning home, pilgrims are left with an unforgettable memory of this sacred experience. It may be that the journey has ended, but it has left a lasting impression. They are now rekindling their hope and faith in their own abilities.

The journey begins The journey begins: A new beginning.

The journey to Medjugorje does not mark the end of their spiritual journey, but the beginning. Medjugorje is an important turning point, a moment of recognition that the divine is a part of all aspects of their lives. They have gained faith and courage to face the unknown future.

Medjugorje has left an everlasting echo in their hearts. It’s a journey that changes them from the inside, revealing the power of faith, hope and divine mercy. As they depart from this holy place the essence of it is carried with them, recognizing that the love of God will always be with them on the journey of life. Medjugorje is then a state of mind and a spiritual refuge that is available to people in times when they need it and get the strength of its echoes forever.
