The Power Of Cuddles And Prayers – Introducing “Ameen” The First Islamic Educational Dua Teddy Bear


As parents and parents of children, we all want to raise our kids in the best manner possible. We want our children to be successful, kind and, above all, devout Muslims. But, given the demands of modern life and hectic schedules, it can be difficult to make sure that children are engaged in regular Islamic routines such as reading dua in the morning and evening and adhkar. Ameen is the first dua-teddy bear that integrates adhkar and dua in the lives of Muslim children across the world.

The main feature of Islam is the capacity to conclude and begin our day with the remembrance Allah SWT. Allah (SWT), in the Quran is a reminder to be mindful of Allah by remembrance. 33:41 is a wonderful reminder that we should constantly be remembrances of Allah (SWT) in our hearts and through our actions. The incorporation of Ameen in our children’s lives will ensure that they always remembering Allah SWT.

Ameen is more than a cute toy bear. It’s also a tool to help instill the love for Allah SWT and Islam in children as young as they can. Ameen is designed to serve as a companion and reminder for children to learn about duas and adhkar. The soft, huggable and pre-recorded adhkars and morning duas are also included so that children can learn these. Ameen is also able to recite duas and adhkar that parents want their children to master.

One of the distinctive features of Ameen is that it is created to interact with children. The bear is able to repeat the dua and adhkar whenever children press Ameen’s paw. This feature that is interactive helps youngsters to understand and interact in the duas and adhkar in a fun and entertaining way. They are encouraged to accept responsibility for their Islamic faith and encouraged to memorize and learn more duas.

Ameen is more than a toy, it is an investment in our children’s Islamic education. Through introducing Ameen into our children’s lives by providing them with a tool that will help them over the long term. Ameen is more than an occasion to get involved in morning and evening duas and adhkar. However, it will also inspire a love of the reminder of Allah (SWT) in our children’s hearts. This love will grow and blossom when our children reach a certain age and serve as an aid to comfort and guidance all their lives.

Another advantage of Ameen is the fact that it assists to establish a routine for our children. Children thrive on routine and structure, and by infusing Ameen into their morning and evening routines, we are helping to establish a consistent practice of dua and adhkar. This consistency will make the remembrance of Allah (SWT) a natural and integral part of our children’s lives and not something that feels like a chore or isn’t natural.

Ameen is not only for young children It is also suitable for all children. The duas and adhkars recorded in the app are created to be simple and understandable which makes them suitable for all children. Ameen is also a great tool to be used by older children to assist to memorize difficult duas or adhkar. Parents can program Ameen with specific adhkar and duas, allowing them to personalize the recitations they give their children.

For more information, click dua teddy bear
