What are cannabis terpenes?


Terpenes found in cannabis are aromatic oils that give cannabis varieties their unique aromas. Terpenes help our bodies absorb and use cannabinoids for their therapeutic benefits. They also alter or reduce some of the effects of cannabinoidssuch as THC.

Terpenes play a significant role in the same way like cannabinoids?

Cannabis terpenes and cannabinoids work together to give us the full benefit of the cannabis strains. Terpenes are mainly extracted from plant material such as citrus rinds and pine needles. Essential oils used in aromatherapy can be utilized, however they are not common. Terpenes can also come from animals, or from insects.

In most cases, they’re distilled from plant material. There are over 200 terpenes found in cannabis plants that produce distinct scents and tastes. Terpenes play a role in the lavender and lemon scents. Terpenes are the plant’s natural defense mechanism. They have been used for centuries for food additives to improve the flavor of various products.

Cannabis terpenes not only contribute to the taste and smell of cannabis, they also possess positive effects on health. According to some experts, Terpenes, that are responsible for various of the distinctive traits of a particular strain, have been known to be beneficial for all sorts of things from stress and migraines to inflammation and mood swings.

Terpenes are akin to cannabinoids and bind to receptors in our brains and the body. They control mood and memory patterns, appetite and sleep patterns, among other functions. Terpenes, when paired with cannabinoids, may enhance the effects of cannabis for healing and lessen the adverse effects.

The chemical compounds work synergistically together to enhance your medical marijuana experience, and to provide more powerful and longer-lasting relief. This is the reason why different mixtures of cannabinoids can impact patients’ ailments in different ways. A product high in CBD could not possess any psychoactive effects, however it’s hard to determine what terpenes specific to a particular strain will do to the individual.

The most common cannabis terpenes and their benefits

1. Alpha-pinene: It is the primary terpene in pine needles and sage . It has a very strong fresh evergreen aroma. It is also located in rosemary, basil as well as dill, parsley and dill. Although alpha-pinene can be found in very low amounts in many cannabis strains of cannabis It has been proven to increase memory and focus in strains that contain more of it.

2. Beta-myrcene, a terpene, is responsible for the aromas of hops and thyme. It may also be an anti-inflammatory. Myrcene can also be present in mangoes and lemongrass and Thyme. It’s thought that the myrcene’s sedative properties could aid in sleeplessness or restless leg syndrome.

3. Limonene can be found at high amounts in peppermint, lemongrass and rosemary, as well as cannabis. It gives off a distinctive lemony aroma, which also has antidepressant and anticancer properties.

4. Linalool: Linalool can be described as a an terpene present in rosewood mint, coriander and birch trees. Linalool may be useful in anxiety and depression treatment and can have tranquilizing effects. A lot of people experience sedation using cannabis strains with high levels of the chemical linalool.

5. Caryophyllene: This is the only terpene which is able to bind to receptors for cannabinoid and creates the distinctive smell of clove. In addition to bringing a spicy element to a variety, caryophyllene is believed to be anti-inflammatory and efficient in combating anxiety.

To learn more, click cooking with terpenes
